BusyBodies are as so named because they are always busy!
When not working they engage in a variety of activities from archery to weightlifting.
Any activity not shown here is just a request away!
BusyBody Cyclists now have their own page – visit them here.
All SPORTING activities can be viewed here.
“I have a couple of busybodies and they have proved very po

All products are available to purchase directly from our ETSY shop.

- Arm wrestlers
- Artist
- Balance board rider
- Ballet Dancer (various poses)
- Ballet dancing couple (pose#1)
- Ballet dancing couple (pose#2)
- Ballet dancing couple (pose#3)
- Ballet dancing couple (pose#4)
- BBQ user
- BusyBody family on couch
- Boxing pair
- Canoe fishermen
- Computer operator
- Couple on couch
- Cyclists
- Dancers (Swing dance)
- Dancers (tango)
- Dancers (Waltz)
- D.J.
- Dog lover
- Dog walker
- Dog walker (2 dogs)
- Exercise bike rider
- Fencing pair
- Fisherman
- Fly Fisherman
- Football player
- Golfer (putting)
- Hairdresser & client
- Horserider
- Hunter
- Hula-hoop player
- Ice/ figure skater
- Ice Skating couple (pose#1)
- Ice Skating couple (pose#2)
- Ice Skating couple (pose#3)
- Ice Skating couple (pose#4)
- Iron user
- Judo pair
- Karate pair
- Laptop user
- ‘Lazy Bones’
- Lollipop man
- BusyBody Lovers (Carrying)
- BusyBody Lovers (facing each other)
- BusyBody Lovers (hugging/ kissing)
- BusyBody Lovers (Proposing)
- BusyBody Lovers (forming heart shape)
- BusyBody Lovers (holding hands)
- Paraglider
- Parent & baby
- Parent & child
- Parent & Child (Child on shoulders)
- Parent with children
- Photographer
- Pram pusher
- Quad Bike rider
- Radio Operator
- BusyBody on Reclining Chair
- Rock Climber
- Roller Derby Skater
- Roller Derby Skater Referee
- Roller blader/ roller skater
- Scooter rider
- Scottish Highland Dancer
- Scuba diver
- Scuba diver (twin tanks)
- Segway rider
- Shopper
- Skier
- Snowboarder
- Sprinter
- Statue of Liberty BusyBody
- Sun bather
- Swing user
- Tae Kwon Do pair
- Teacher
- Telescope user
- Tennis player
- Ten-pin bowler
- Treadmill runner
- Unicycle rider
- Vacuum cleaner user
- Weight bench user
- Weight lifter
- Wheelchair user
- Windsurfer
- BusyBody workout – press-up’s
- BusyBody workout – Sit-up’s
- Wrestlers