I have been crafting my wire designs since 1997.
I decided to combine my soldering skills honed through over 10 years in the electronics industry with my creative and artistic abilities.
The manufacture of my wire designs is a long and intricate process; very time consuming, but thoroughly enjoyable! My aim is always a high level of detail and accuracy to ensure a quality product that will bring you just as much enjoyment as I get in hand-crafting them.
All models are constructed from tinned copper wire which is available in various guages or thicknesses. Lead-free solder is used, making the finished product much cleaner with less flux residue to clean. All parts are cut and shaped using a variety of tools and formers, and are then soldered with the utmost precision. Most models take many hours to complete which demands much concentration.
The final product is is a quality item, totally unique and entirely hand-crafted, worthy of any collection and the perfect solution to gift dilemmas for all occasions.